My TOP 5 FREE Font Sites

Here’s one for the designers and typophiles!

  1. Google Fonts
    This might seem obvious but it’s a quality resource and its universal nature makes its fonts a great choice as they easily accessibly for your clients!
  2. DaFont
    The OG! The oldest and largest library of free fonts.
  3. Behance
    I actually didn’t know this until recently but you can actually search for free fonts on Behance – Nice! Give it a go for some unique finds!
  4. Font Squirrel
    Nailed it for the name alone but you will fond all the big name fonts here too.
  5. Lost Type
    Now, I feel like I should probably be gatekeeping this one.. but against my better judgement here you go.
    Pro-tip:when it asks you how much you want to pay.. you can say $0 ???????????

For more font fun check out my other blog posts here

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